"Let's stay in and listen vinyls"

"Let's stay in and listen vinyls"

Muniick - ADULT - Dwyer Vinyl Listening Room Full Set
Everything you see in the picture is incl. in the set!
Highly customiseable, with color HUDs to all textures!
Muniick - ADULT - The Lounge Set
The chairs have single, couple, and sex animations.
Muniick - The Turntable Set
Muniick Apollo Wall Planter - Large
Muniick Apollo Wall Planter - Small
Muniick Houseplant No.06 Draceana
Muniick Pumpkin Pack v2

 You can buy the full set or smaller sets.
Muniick Apollo Wall planters set just 50L at the event!
 See the detailed item list in Muniick Flickr site.
 @ Redeux event (until the 21st.)

Muniick Home and Garden LM

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