"Deadmore's revenge"
DRD - Honorary Deadmore Award - EXCLUSIVE
This award is an exclusive given to the inmates
who joined the DRD Deadmore Family contest.. and lost.
DRD is having a lot of happening on their favorite time of year, so do
visit the fabulous sim and get ready for the hunt that starts on the 4th.
Honestly DRD makes the best hunt gifts I have ever seen.
Death Row Designs LM
Decor & Furniture
DRD GG - Black Widow Tea Set (touch for tea) oldie but goodie group gift,
this has always been one of my biggest faves and this set actually first brought me to DRD.
Apple Fall Cosmos Flowers - White
[ zerkalo ] Winter Cozy - Table Light
Kei's Giraffe Piano (Adult-vintage finish)
DRD Secret Sidetable
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