"Roman Villa Estate"

"Roman Villa Estate"

"A Roman country estate - the Villa Rustica. Villa Rustica is a detailed replica 
of various reconstructed estates found all over Europe. 
It is a SMALL TOWN of its own with countless utility rooms, 
living quarters and stately reception rooms/halls. 
The gardens and garden paths are also based on Roman models.

A villa rustica is what the ancient Romans called a farmhouse or villa 
in the countryside with an agricultural section. In some cases, 
they were located in the centre of a large agricultural estate (latifundium). 
The villa rustica consisted of a spacious courtyard around 
which the farm rooms (pars rustica) were grouped 
and the palatial residential wing (pars urbana) 
on the north side of the courtyard."
Del-ka Aedilis - Villa Rustica
Walk through the Villa Rustica portal 
to see the complete set of Villa Rustica buildings.
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