"Cauldrons, Potions & Notions"

"Cauldrons, Potions & Notions"

 ..::THOR::.. Psychic Set
 ..::THOR::.. Psychic Bookstand
 ..::THOR::.. Psychic Sphere
 ..::THOR::.. Tarot Deck - bonus
 ..::THOR::.. Psychic Box
 ..::THOR::.. Psychic Table
 ..::THOR::.. Psychic Chair
DRD - Cauldron Shoppe
Showcasing cauldron shoppe decorations, there's also amazinggg shop building!
 DRD - Cauldron Shoppe - Counter
 DRD - Cauldron Shoppe - Magical Merchandise Mantel B
 DRD - Cauldron Shoppe - Hanging Sign
 DRD - Cauldron Shoppe - Hanging Hearth B
 DRD - Cauldron Shoppe - Cauldron Cornucopia
 DRD - Cauldron Shoppe - Mound of Magic Kettles
 DRD - Cauldron Shoppe - Cauldron Cluster
 DRD - Cauldron Shoppe - Heap of Hex Pots
 Other Decor & Furniture
 ..::THOR::.. Witchy Tea Set
 ..::THOR::.. Bruja Tea Set
 ..::THOR::.. Celestial Teapot
*HEXtraordinary* Cephalopod Candleabra
(I just loove this candelabra, isn't she beautiful!)
 DRD- mage's den - suitcase drawers
 DRD - Voodoo Shoppe - Storefront
 [Merak] - Reused Broom
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